A headache is the symptom of pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. It can happen because of numerous conditions whether it is serious or not. A headache itself has many types like a tension-type headache, cluster headache, and migraine. In this Application, you will notice different home remedies to rid your headache efficiently. Home remedies are useful to cure the initial level's disease. This android application contains heaps of common solution to treat your headache pain. Pick one of the best remedies to heal yourself.
• Lavender Oil
• Helichrysum Oil
• Basil-Honey Tea
• Almonds
• Betal Leaves
• Detox Bath
There has many more remedies available. Go and Download Now.
• Rid of a headache fast.
• No side effects on the body.
• 60+ Home remedies.
• Made up from herbs, spices, fruits, and vegetables.
• Inexpensive and joy of self-care.
• Treating an intense migraine.